Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting started...

Last year I decided I wanted to get chickens, the only problem I identified at the time was that we only had a 1/2 acre.  Boy were there more problems than I realized!

The above dog, Jack, is the biggest of the unrealized problems I would encounter trying to have chickens on 1/2 acre. I don't think it would matter if we had 1/2 or 500 with this guy around.

And yes he normally sleeps like this.

I love him, but according to Daddy Farmer "He's got a little bit of bird dog in him." (Daddy Farmer has a very Southern AL accent, it is funnier when you say it with his accent, but now that I think about it everything is better when said with his accent.)

Other problems included: getting Unwilling Farmer (my husband) to agree to getting chickens, building of the chicken coop/fortress to keep chickens safe from aforementioned dog, actually getting chickens (who would have thought), getting the chickens to lay eggs, keeping the chickens from drowning in the only later learned to be "low spot" in which the coop was built, keeping the coop clean, keeping their water clean, and keeping the chickens from eating their own eggs.  I'll address each of these problems in later posts and hopefully anyone interested can learn from my mistakes and/or laugh at what I have been through in my quest of mini-farm.